TLE42754G Electronic Components

TLE42754G Electronic Components belongs to Low dropout linear voltage regulator of infineon electronic components.The OPTIREG™ linear TLE42754G is a monolithic integrated low-dropout voltage regulator in a 5-pin TOpackage, especially designed for automotive applications. An input voltage up to 42 V is regulated to an output voltage of 5.0 V. 

The component is able to drive loads up to 450 mA. It is short-circuit proof by the implemented current limitation and has an integrated overtemperature shutdown. A reset signal is generated for an output voltage VQ,rt of typically 4.65 V. The power-on reset delay time can be programmed by the external delay capacitor.

The control amplifier compares a reference voltage to a voltage that is proportional to the output voltage and drives the base of the series transistor via a buffer. Saturation control as a function of the load current prevents any oversaturation of the power element. The component also has a number of internal circuits for protection against: ①Overload ②Overtemperature ③Reverse polarity

Product Features


Main product features


Output voltage 5 V ± 2%

Ouput current up to 450 mA

Very low current consumption

Power-on and undervoltage reset with programmable delay time